Multisensor Validation Log

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From now until the end of the project I'll keep a detailed log of what I validated and defects I found. I'll use Org-mode mechanisms to track the defects (tags TODO, DONE, CANCELED) and try to monitor email conversation to keep this up to date. The numbers in brackets after a section name show the resolved vs total defects. Whenever a defect is posted in Jira, I'll track the issue number.

Please contact me on skype://valexiev1 for corrections/additions. Even better, you could edit this file on github (it's a plain text file!) and send me a pull request.

  • Mistakes or imprecise info (eg the scope of a particular service is described wrong, or a particular issue is in fact a non-issue)
  • When an issue is resolved
  • When an issue should be canceled

I'll also attend weekly calls related to RDF data and validation, and update this.

IMPORTANT: Just because an issue is listed in the section for a particular service, doesn't necessarily mean that service created the defect!


Below I also track questions related to queries. But when agreed, they should be moved to gdoc Multisensor SPARQL Queries.

Or we could simply use the doc: if you need a new query, or a query needs optimization, please write a comment in red, and notify me in a gdoc comment (add to the comment).


Context Extraction Service

TODO Crawler to decode HTML entities

It would be good if the crawler decodes HTML entities before storing in dc:subject (possibly also dc:title, dc:description). Eg:

  "Europäische Union, ISIN_FR0003500008, Brexit, Erholungskurs, Europa, Paris, Großbritannien" ,
  "Economy, Business & Finance" ;

DONE Keywords vs Category

Victor: both of the following fields extracted by the crawler are mapped to dc:subject:

  • category: eg "Economy, Business & Finance"
  • keywords: eg "Europaische Union, ISIN_FR0003500008, Brexit, Erholungskurs, Europa, Paris, Grossbritannien"

Should we separate them in different properties?

Vladimir: IPTC is the Global Standards Body of the News Media industry. IPTC Media Topics is a list of 1100 Media Topics developed as an extension from earlier IPTC Subject Codes. You can explore interactively and will see that Multisensor categories are similar to these topics/subjects; so we'll continue to map them to dc:subject.

On the other hand, Multisensor keywords are free keywords that describe a lot more specific things. We'll map them to schema:keywords, defined as "Keywords or tags used to describe the content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas":

dc:subject "Economy, Business & Finance";
schema:keywords "Europaische Union, ISIN_FR0003500008, Brexit, Erholungskurs, Europa, Paris, Grossbritannien";

It would be nice to:

  • Split keywords on ", " and and emit as separate values
    • (don't split categories, since the 3 words really represent one category)
  • Map our categories to IPTC Media Topics. This is quite harder

DONE Ingest Timestamp

<2016-07-20 Wed> Almost done, only the datatype is missing.

Victor: introduce the date when the article have been processed in RDF. In order to keep track of which and when the “curated selected data” have been processed, and match them with the current version of the CEP service.

Vladimir: we can use dct:issued for this purpose:

  dc:date    "2016-06-20T18:45:07.000+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; # date crawled
  dct:issued "2016-06-30T12:34:56.000+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; # date processed by pipeline and ingested to GDB

Boyan will add this second timestamp in the POST method.



  • <2016-07-18> DONE: initial implementation
  • <2016-07-20> DONE: make dqv:value nominal (eg ms:accuracy-low) instead of numeric (eg 1)
  • <2016-07-26> DONE: use QualityAnnotation instead of QualityMeasurement

Victor: the field "c_quality" is sent now. Values can be:

  • 0 = no quality assigned
  • 1 = high quality
  • 2 = medium quality
  • 3 = low quality
  • 5 = curated


  • Instead of a numeric scale (which is not monotonically increasing), let's use a nominal (symbolic) scale.
  • Instead of 0, we should omit the statement
  • There is no value 4
  • About value 5: do we have metadata who & when curated it? Should we record in RDF something more than the number? The selected quality ontology (DQV, see below) allows to record a lot of detail: who, when, according to what methodology…
    • Leszek (skype:letschke): we do not provide any additional meta data.

Vladimir: I searched for a quality property on LOV, couldn't find anything really appropriate:

Finally from a link at Europeana DQC, I found the W3C Data Quality Vocabulary dqv:. We'll use that vocabulary, and the Linked Data Quality Dimensions ldqd: by Zaveri.

CANCEL Represent as QualityMeasurement

Initially I tried this representation. But after discussion at, it was clarified that QualityMeasurement can only be used with literal values, so this is WRONG. See next section for the correct representation.

First we add a dqv:Metric to the Multisensor ontology:

@prefix dqv:  <> .
@prefix ldqd: <> .

ms:accuracy a dqv:Metric;
  skos:prefLabel "Accuracy"@en;
  skos:definition "Degree to which SIMMO data correctly represents real world facts."@en;
  dqv:inDimension ldqd:semanticAccuracy;
  dqv:expectedDataType ms:Accuracy.

ms:Accuracy a owl:Class, skos:ConceptScheme;
  rdfs:label "Accuracy values"@en.
ms:accuracy-low a ms:Accuracy, skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ms:Accuracy;
  skos:prefLabel "Low accuracy"@en.
ms:accuracy-medium a ms:Accuracy, skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ms:Accuracy;
  skos:prefLabel "Medium accuracy"@en.
ms:accuracy-high a ms:Accuracy, skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ms:Accuracy;
  skos:prefLabel "High accuracy"@en.
ms:accuracy-curated a ms:Accuracy, skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ms:Accuracy;
  skos:prefLabel "Manually curated"@en;
  skos:note "Highest accuracy"@en.

Then for each SIMMO that has a quality rating (SIMMOS that don't have a rating get no extra statements):

ms-content:b3f35 dqv:hasQualityMeasurement ms-content:b3f35-quality.

ms-content:b3f35-quality a dqv:QualityMeasurement ;
   dqv:isMeasurementOf ms:accuracy; dqv:value ms:accuracy-curated.
DONE Represent as QualityAnnotation

The correct way to use nominal values is to use QualityAnnotation instead of QualityMeasurement.

First we define the nominal values in the ontology:

@prefix dqv:  <> .
@prefix ldqd: <> .

ms:Accuracy a skos:ConceptScheme;
  rdfs:label "Accuracy values"@en.
ms:accuracy-low a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ms:Accuracy;
  skos:prefLabel "Low accuracy"@en.
ms:accuracy-medium a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ms:Accuracy;
  skos:prefLabel "Medium accuracy"@en.
ms:accuracy-high a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ms:Accuracy;
  skos:prefLabel "High accuracy"@en.
ms:accuracy-curated a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ms:Accuracy;
  skos:prefLabel "Manually curated"@en;
  skos:note "Highest accuracy"@en.

Then for every SIMMO with a quality rating:

ms-content:b3f35 dqv:hasQualityAnnotation ms-content:b3f35-quality.
ms-content:b3f35-quality a dqv:QualityAnnotation;
  dqv:inDimension ldqd:semanticAccuracy;
  oa:motivatedBy dqv:qualityAssessment;
  oa:hasTarget ms-content:b3f35;
  oa:hasBody ms:accuracy-curated.
Quality Queries

Querying for SIMMOs with quality is easy:

select * {
  ?simmo a foaf:Document; dqv:hasQualityAnnotation/oa:hasBody ?quality}

An update query to migrate old QualityMeasurement data to the new QualityAnnotation representation:

delete {
  graph ?graph {
    ?simmo dqv:hasQualityMeasurement ?quality.
    ?quality ?p ?v}}
insert {
  graph ?graph {
    ?simmo dqv:hasQualityAnnotation ?quality.
    ?quality a dqv:QualityAnnotation;
      dqv:inDimension ldqd:semanticAccuracy;
      oa:motivatedBy dqv:qualityAssessment;
      oa:hasTarget ?simmo;
      oa:hasBody ?value}}
where {
  graph ?graph {
    ?simmo dqv:hasQualityMeasurement ?quality.
    ?quality dqv:value ?value}}

CANCEL Missing Authors

select * {?x a foaf:Document} 
# 112k SIMMOs
select * {?x a foaf:Document; dc:creator ?y}
# 10.5k authors, only 9.4%
  • Can we get more authors?

Discussion <2016-07-08 Fri> MULTISENSO-186:

  • Andrey: Interest in the "genre", “author” feature if available (not always retrievable by the context extraction service)
  • Ioannis: The genre and author information can only be extracted when they are available in the HTML content of the scrapped page, otherwise we cannot infer it. To this end, there is not much we can do. It was quite obvious on the planning stage that not all articles have mentioned fields in HTML tags, and it could be foreseen, maybe with additional parsing methods since not always html tags do have this information, but normally all news articles have for example Author info in the body of the article. So this part can be closed, as "it" will not going to happen.

CANCEL Genre (Type)

Vladimir & Ioannis: by Genre, do you mean dc:type? We assume so below.

select * {?x a foaf:Document; dc:type ?y} 
# 20k, that's 17.9%
  • Q: Can we get more genres?
  • A: Same comments as in the previous section apply.

Distribution of Genre:

select ?y (count(*) as ?c)
{?x a foaf:Document; dc:type ?y}
group by ?y order by desc(?c)
Genre/Type Count Notes
article 14768  
music 2886  
website 1087  
speech 813  
sound 407  
food 83 ?? Maybe "recipe"
video 25  
Article 25 normalize to "article"
single 11  
song 11  
Speech 11  
Ogg 11 normalize to "sound"
video.other 7 normalize to "video"
news 6  
ARTICLE 4 normalize to "article"
media 2  
blog 1  
slideshow 1 1 normalize to "video"
tumblr-feed:entry 1  

<2016-07-08 Fri>

  • Vladimir: it would be nice to normalize some values, and reduce this from 20 to say 10 rows
  • Ioannis: the code to extract "type" was written over a year ago, so this would not be so simple
  • Vladimir and Ioannis: the first 5 types catch 90%, so it's only the "long tail" would need normalization… This is not so important

DONE Wrong prefix for Text Characteristics

Advanced Context Extraction adds new Text Characteristics properties (ms:technicality, ms:fluency, ms:richness) to the context (property definitions omitted for brevity).

Example (this particular text is fluent, but is neither rich nor technical, so we set values 5, 1, 1 respectively):

@base <>.

<#char=0,2000> a nif:Context;
  nif:isString "This is the whole text of the SIMMO.\n It should continue for 2000 chars but I'll stop here"@en;
  ms:fluency      5.0;
  ms:richness     1.0;
  ms:technicality 1.0.

<2016-06-23 Thu>: checked 0e6b24-CONTEXT_EXTRACTION-22-6-2016.ttl and Text Characteristics (technicality, fluency, richness):

Victor <2016-06-30 Thu>: updated the prefix

DONE Refresh Prefixes

I've added to ./img/prefixes.ttl (committed <2016-06-30 Thu>) Please refresh from ./img/prefixes.ttl, so new validation files use this prefix.

Gerard: what exactly are we suppposed to do with the prefixes file.

  • Once loaded in the repo (Boyan's job), we can make queries without mentioning the prefixes.

Should we load it into Sesame somehow so that triples are generated with prefixes? If so, could you give us some code showing how to do it?

  • I think the validation files use prefixes, because prefixes.ttl is prepended, then passed through RIOT. I think Victor made that script. The other prefixes are there, so it's just a matter of refreshing

Entity Linking Service

TODO Underscores to Spaces

The EL service emits Babelnet entity labels in up to 4 languages, eg

bn:s00088614v  skos:prefLabel  "zu_befriedigen"@de , "satisfacer"@es , "satisfaire"@fr , "задоволи"@bg .
bn:s00014609n  skos:prefLabel  "Kuchen"@de , "Pastel_(gastronomía)"@es , "Gâteau"@fr , "Торта"@bg .
bn:s01718102n  skos:prefLabel  "I_do_not_want_what_I_haven't_got"@es , "I_Don't_Want_What_I_Haven't_Got"@en , "I_Do_Not_Want_What_I_Haven't_Got"@fr .
bn:s02229586n  skos:prefLabel  "UHC_Hamburg"@en , "Uhlenhorster_HC"@fr .

For reasons unknown, Babelnet uses underscores (eg see UHC_Hamburg_n_EN). I think we should convert the underscores to spaces to make the label more natural.

  • Can be fixed in the repo with a query like this
    • However this doesn't find Babelnet broader entities imported by ONTO. We have a list of all Babelnet entities, maybe better to use this somehow
delete {?x skos:prefLabel ?lab}
insert {?x skos:prefLabel ?lab1}
where {
    ?x skos:prefLabel ?lab
    filter exists {[its:taIdentRef ?x; nif-ann:taIdentProv <>]}
    bind(replace(?lab,"_"," ") as ?lab1)
  • UPF code that brings in new Babelnet enrichments should be fixed too. Gerard: DONE <2016-07-20 Wed> Entitly Linking: Translations obtained from BabelNet are now issued as literals of skos:prefLabel triples without underscores.
  • UPF code that creates nif:lemma should be fixed, eg this node has lemma "basic_data",291 Gerard: DONE <2016-07-20 Wed>. Dependency parsing: lemmas are also emitted as literals of nif:lemma triples without underscores
  • IMPORTANT <2016-08-12 Fri> Now we have two labels per BN concept per language. Must remove the superfluous ones. Eg:
    • bn:s03113558n: "Royal Ordnance Factories F.C."@en and "Royal_Ordnance_Factories_F.C."@en
    • bn:s00124949n: "Prefijo del Segmento de Programa"@es and "Prefijo_del_Segmento_de_Programa"@es

QUE Remove Disambiguation Labels?

Should we also remove disambiguations, which are trailing parenthesized parts, eg "Pastel_(gastronomía)" -> "Pastel"? Since these labels are not used for NLP tasks, and the disambiguations are very useful for understanding what the entity is, I vote to leave them.

Entity Alignment Service

<2016-06-28 Tue>: checked 0181e1-ENTITY_ALIGNMENT-21-6-2016.ttl and alignment.log (by email)

The log has 90 actions. I checked these 4 actions:

2016-06-21 16:22:18 INFO  Alignment:42 - Comparing <#char=1453,1461> and <#char=1444,1461>
2016-06-21 16:22:18 INFO  Alignment:138 - Removed: (#char=1453,1461, rdf:type, nif:Phrase)
2016-06-21 16:22:18 INFO  Alignment:152 - Removed: (#char=1453,1461, itsrdf:taClassRef, null)
2016-06-21 16:22:18 INFO  Alignment:156 - Removed: (#char=1453,1461, itsrdf:taIdentRef, null)

This corresponds to two annotations:

  • <#char=1444,1461> found by Named Entity Recognition: "Margaret Thatcher" detected as the politician, with link to DBpedia (longer; correct)
  • <#char=1453,1461> found by Entity Linking: "Thatcher" detected as a "roof builder" with link to Bbelnet (shorter; incorrect)

The Entity Alignment service prefers the longer annotation, and removes 3 properties from the shorter annotation. What is left in the RDF is this:

        a                     nif:Word ;
                "0.0"^^xsd:double ;
                <> ;
        nif:anchorOf          "Thatcher" ;
        nif:beginIndex        "1453"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
        nif:endIndex          "1461"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
        nif:referenceContext  <#char=0,2898> .

        a                     nif:Phrase ;
        nif:anchorOf          "Margaret Thatcher" ;
        nif:beginIndex        "1444"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
        nif:endIndex          "1461"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
        nif:referenceContext  <#char=0,2898> ;
        its:taClassRef        nerd:Person ;
        its:taIdentRef        dbr:Margaret_Thatcher .

        a          foaf:Person , dbo:Person , nerd:Person ;
        foaf:name  "Margaret Thatcher" .

DONE Also remove taIdentConf, taIdentProv

In the example above, taClassRef and taIdentRef were removed. This makes the other two props nif-ann:taIdentConf and nif-ann:taIdentProv useless. Remove them too.

DONE Leave Dependency Links

Entity Alignment also seems to remove the dependency links, eg:

<#char=1444,1452> nif:dependency          <#char=1453,1461>
<#char=1444,1452> upf-deep:deepDependency <#char=1453,1461>

However, this can make the dependency and FrameNet graphs disconnected. So leave the dependencies alone.

TODO Use Prefixes in alignment.log

I shortened the excerpt from alignment.log above to improve readability: substituted the defined prefixes, and used the SIMMO URL as base (i.e. used relative URLs starting with hash) It would be very useful if alignment.log uses the same shortenings to improve readability.

This is a completely cosmetic issue, we can cancel it.

Summarization Service

<2016-06-28 Tue> looked at 2c9d5c-CONCEPT_EXTRACTION-16-6-2016.ttl (concept_with_scores)

        a                        nif:Phrase ;
                "0.0"^^xsd:double ;
                <> ;
        nif:beginIndex           "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
        nif:dependency           <#char=29,38> ;
        nif:endIndex             "11"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
        nif:lemma                "open_source" ;
          "surf=spos=NN" ,
          "rel==dpos=NN|end_string=11|start_string=0|id0=1|number=SG|word=open_source|connect_check=OK|vn=open_source" ,
          "deep=spos=NN" ;
        nif:oliaLink             upf-dep-syn:NAME , upf-deep:NAME , <#char=0,11_fe> , penn:NNP ;
        nif:referenceContext     <#char=0,5625> ;
        upf-deep:deepDependency  <#char=29,38> ;
        its:taClassRef           ms:GenericConcept ;
        its:taIdentRef           bn:s01157392n .

DONE nif:anchorOf

I've been saying all along to skip nif:anchorOf so as not to create too many literals. But with the number of SIMMOs loaded, it has not been too taxing for GDB. nif:anchorOf has been instrumental in debugging, eg of the UTF-8 and offset mismatch issues.

nif:literalAnnotation and nif:lemma provide sufficient info about the phrase, so maybe we don't need nif:anchorOf. We could cancel this issue.

  • Gerard: If they can be sustained by GraphDB, I vote in favor of keeping them as they help a lot when debugging.
  • Vladimir: so decided: if the Entity Lookup makes a new node, add nif:anchorOf to it.

Some nodes are missing nif:anchorOf, eg see,291. This has nif:lemma "basic_data" but not nif:anchorOf.

Gerard <2016-07-20 Wed> NIFUtils: new annotations created by services using this library will now emit anchors. This affects EL mostly

TODO Why nif-ann:taIdentConf is 0?

In the above example, nif-ann:taIdentConf is 0. In many other examples it's a good number, eg see below. Is 0 some sort of bug, or does Babelfy actually return 0 confidence for some concepts?

  • Gerard: I think it's an error, I'll get back to you as soon as as I've figured out what's causing it.
  • Vladimir <2016-09-05 Mon> Still occurs, eg
          a                      nif:Phrase , nif:Word ;
          nif-ann:taIdentConf    "0.0"^^xsd:double ;
          nif-ann:taIdentProv    <> ;
          nif:anchorOf           "Zugleich" ;


@base <>.

        a                        nif:Word ;
        nif-anno:taIdentConf     "0.7619547411890493"^^xsd:double ;
        nif-anno:taIdentProv     <> ;
        nif:anchorOf             "pastries" ;
        nif:beginIndex           "1814"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
        nif:dependency           <#char=1806,1812> ;
        nif:endIndex             "1822"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
        nif:lemma                "pastry" ;
          "deep=spos=NN" , 
          "rel==member=A2|dpos=NN|end_string=1822|start_string=1814|id0=29|word=pastry|number=PL|connect_check=OK|fn=Food" , 
          "surf=spos=NN" ;
        nif:oliaLink             upf-deep:COORD , penn:NNS , <#char=1814,1822_fe> , upf-dep-syn:COORD ;
        nif:referenceContext     <#char=0,12793> ;
        upf-deep:deepDependency  <#char=1806,1812> ;
        its:taClassRef           ms:GenericConcept ;
        its:taIdentRef           bn:s00060957n .

CANCEL ms:GenericConcept vs ms:SpecificConcept

  • Gerard (about the last example): A 'generic' concept produced by Babelfy. But annotations of concepts produced by the concept extraction service should contain triples pointing to ms:SpecificConcept.
  • Vladimir: also seems to me that concepts like "open source" and "pastry" are ms:SpecificConcept.
  • Gerard: problems regarding the quality of the annotations shouldn't be part of the RDF validation.
  • Vladimir: agree, but this log is for the project as a whole, not just syntactic validity. (Which doesn't mean I'm determining priorities!)
  • Gerard: we'll be releasing updates to the concept extraction service, so expect improvements into what is considered a specific concept.
  • How is this used in the UI? Gerard thinks that only Specific concepts are (or should be) shown in the SIMMO's tag cloud

Gerard <2016-07-20 Wed> This should become a non issue after recent changes are incorporated to the concept service

DONE Optimize Summarization Queries

Gerard wrote some of the Summarization queries are slow. Please mark which ones need optimization, and provide $graph for testing.

  • Used the standard notation $param to indicate an input parameter, rather than __PARAM__
  • Moved FILTER inside GRAPH, and a few more minor changes
  • The problem was that the prop path p1?/p2 is slow, since p1? connects any node to itself. Replaced with p1/p2|p2, which is fast

Content Alignment

The Content Alignment Pipeline (CAP) is a service that executes on KB data and finds articles that are similar or contradictory to the source article. It is not executed as part of the SIMMO pipeline, but periodically.

<2016-07-20 Wed>: selected repo multisensor-test and checked

  • Everything's done except "ms:score instead of fise:confidence" (Babis) and "add to Ontology" (Vladimir).
  • Checked there are motivations of both kinds:
    select ?mot (count(*) as ?c) where { 
     graph <> {?x oa:motivatedBy ?mot}
    } group by ?mot

    ms:linking-similar: 828, ms:linking-contradictory: 860

  • one contradictory CAP annotation is CAP/007e1c1e-85b4-481a-a838-0e242c2afb8c It talks about these two:
    PREFIX dc: <>
    PREFIX nif: <>
    select ?desc ?text {
        values ?x {
        ?x dc:description ?desc.
        ?y nif:sourceUrl ?x; nif:isString ?text
    • One is about "How an Apple Watch can ruin your life"
    • The other about "Employees and executives win mobility and flexibility with the SH10 TaskBook of SOREDI Touch Systems GmbH"

    Guess this is sort of contradictory: one hates one IT product, the other one praises another IT product :-)

CAP Old Model

<2016-06-28 Tue> checked CAP:_Specification_of_the_service. It proposes the following model:

  a oa:Annotation ;
  oa:hasTarget <> ;
    <> ,
    <> ;
  oa:motivatedBy oa:tagging ;
  oa:annotatedBy <> ;
  oa:annotatedAt "2016-01-11T12:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime .

  a oa:SemanticTag ;
  skos:related <> ;
  fise:confidence 0.862 .

  a oa:SemanticTag ;
  skos:related <> ;
  fise:confidence 0.795 .

  a prov:SoftwareAgent ;
  foaf:name "Content Alignment Pipeline v1.0" .

Each annotation is symmetric, so it's written twice: in the SIMMO graphs of each of the two SIMMOs. This complicates data management, because both of these graphs need to be updated.

DONE One Annotation Per Pair   Babis

After consultation with Babis, we decided to change the representation as follows:

  • Write annotations in their own graph, outside of any SIMMO graph. The CAP service will be called periodically, search globally in the SIMMO DB, and overwrite the similarity graph.
  • Write one annotation per pair
  • Use custom oa:motivatedBy: ms:linking-similar vs ms:linking-contradictory to express similarity vs contradiction

In the previous example, assume that the first related article is similar but the second is contradictory. We restructure it as follows, where similarity/123 and similarity/124 are GUIDs or some other way to generate unique URLs. Please note that the representation is completely symmetric regarding the two SIMMOs being linked, so there's no need to repeat for the other SIMMO.

graph <> {
  <> a oa:Annotation;
    fise:confidence 0.862;
    oa:motivatedBy ms:linking-similar;
    oa:annotatedBy <>;
    oa:annotatedAt "2016-01-11T12:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime .

  <> a oa:Annotation;
    fise:confidence 0.795;
    oa:motivatedBy ms:linking-contradictory;
    oa:annotatedBy <>;
    oa:annotatedAt "2016-01-12T12:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime .

TODO Use ms:score not fise:confidence for CAP

In an example sent by Babis, I see fise:confidence=1.6439653807554948. But confidence is the probability that something is true, so it should be <=1. Guess this is some other sort of score, and maybe it's better to use our own property?

Decided with Babis to use a custom property ms:score (see next).

TODO Add to Ontology   Vladimir

The following will be in ./img/ontology.ttl, so they don't need to be repeated by CAP for every similarity link.

<> a prov:SoftwareAgent;
  foaf:name "Content Alignment Pipeline v1.0".

ms:linking-similar a owl:NamedIndividual, oa:Motivation;
  skos:inScheme oa:motivationScheme;
  skos:broader oa:linking;
  skos:prefLabel "linking-similar"@en;
  rdfs:comment "Motivation that represents a symmetric link between two *similar* articles"@en;
  rdfs:isDefinedBy ms: .

ms:linking-contradictory a owl:NamedIndividual, oa:Motivation;
  skos:inScheme oa:motivationScheme;
  skos:broader oa:linking;
  skos:prefLabel "linking-contradictory"@en;
  rdfs:comment "Motivation that represents a symmetric link between two *contradictory* articles"@en;
  rdfs:isDefinedBy ms: .

ms:score a owl:DatatypeProperty;
  rdfs:domain oa:Annotation;
  rdfs:range  xsd:decimal;
  rdfs:label "score"@en;
  rdfs:comment "Strength of an Annotation, eg the link between two entities"@en;
  rdfs:isDefinedBy ms: .

CAP Query

Given a $simmo, find similar or contradictory articles, and their similarity/contradiction scores.

select ?article ?motivation ?score {
  [a oa:Annotation;
   oa:annotatedBy <>;
   oa:hasBody $simmo, ?article;
   ms:score ?score;
   oa:motivatedBy ?motivation
  filter ($simmo != ?article)

CANCEL Other CAP Queries

The gdoc maybe has 2 queries related to CAP. Not sure I'm looking at the right section. Maybe we should just delete them.

  • 2.8 "Retrieve the concepts in the SIMMO (Select)": wrote something simple
  • 2.9 "Retrieve the concepts in the SIMMO (Construct)": don't know what is needed

DONE Content Translation

Scenario: we have a SIMMO in original language ES that is machine-translated to EN & DE.

  • All textual elements are translated: title, description, body.
    • The example below also shows subject & keywords in different languages. If you can only produce them in EN, that's fine
  • However, video ASR text is not translated.
  • Both original and translations are annotated with NIF.

We want to record all NIF information against original and translated separately, so there's no confusion. If the article includes multimedia, we want to attach it only to the original, to avoid data duplication.

Solution: we need separate roots (foaf:Document), so we store the original and translation(s) in separate named graphs.

  • the translated-content graph has language-specific suffix; the original-content graph does not have such suffix
  • the translated content has link bibo:translationOf to the original


# ES original
graph ms-content:156e0d {
  ms-content:156e0d a foaf:Document ;
    dbp:countryCode  "ES" ;
    dc:creator       "Alberto Iglesias Fraga" ;
    dc:date          "2016-07-28T23:45:07.000+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dc:description   "SONY ha iniciado negociaciones con Murata Manufacturing para la venta de su negocio de baterías. La operación culminará en marzo de 2017...";
    dc:language      "es" ;
    dc:source        "" ;
    dc:subject       "Economía, Negocios y Finanzas" ;
    dc:title         "SONY se desprenderá de su negocio de baterías" ;
    dc:type          "article" ;
    schema:keywords  "Sony, baterías, Murata Manufacturing";
    dct:source       <> .

# EN translation
graph ms-content:156e0d-en {
  ms-content:156e0d-en a foaf:Document ;
    bibo:translationOf ms-content:156e0d; # IMPORTANT!
    dbp:countryCode   "ES" ;
    dc:creator        "Alberto Iglesias Fraga" ;
    dc:date           "2016-07-28T23:45:07.000+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dc:description    "SONY has begun negotiations with Murata Manufacturing for the sale of its battery business. The operation will culminate in March 2017 ..." ;
    dc:language       "en" ;
    dc:source         "" ;
    dc:subject        "Economy, Business & Finance" ;
    dc:title          "SONY is clear from its battery business" ;
    dc:type           "article" ;
    schema:keywords   "Sony, batteries, Murata Manufacturing";
    dct:source        <> .

# DE translation
graph ms-content:156e0d-de {
  ms-content:156e0d-de a foaf:Document ;
    bibo:translationOf ms-content:156e0d; # IMPORTANT!
    dbp:countryCode   "ES" ;
    dc:creator        "Alberto Iglesias Fraga" ;
    dc:date           "2016-07-28T23:45:07.000+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dc:description    "SONY hat die Verhandlungen mit Murata Manufacturing für den Verkauf seiner Batterie-Geschäft begonnen. Die Operation wird März 2017 gipfeln ..." ;
    dc:language       "de" ;
    dc:source         "" ;
    dc:subject        "Economy, Business & Finanzen" ;
    dc:title          "SONY ist klar von seiner Batteriegeschäft" ;
    dc:type           "article" ;
    schema:keywords   "Sony, Batterien, Murata Manufacturing";
    dct:source        <> .


# ES original
graph ms-content:156e0d {
  <,2131> a nif:Context ;
    ms:fluency       "1.22"^^xsd:double ;
    ms:richness      "1.86"^^xsd:double ;
    ms:technicality  "2.78"^^xsd:double ;
    nif:beginIndex   "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:endIndex     "2131"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:isString     "SONY se desprenderá de su negocio de baterías\n\nSONY sigue inmersa en la profunda reestructuración..." ;
    nif:sourceUrl    ms-content:b156e0d .

# EN translation
graph ms-content:156e0d-en {
  <,1800> a nif:Context ;
    ms:fluency       "1.25"^^xsd:double ; # hopefully will be similar to original, but won't be identical
    ms:richness      "1.81"^^xsd:double ;
    ms:technicality  "2.70"^^xsd:double ;
    nif:beginIndex   "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:endIndex     "1800"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; # Assuming EN comes out shorter than ES
    nif:isString     "SONY is clear from its battery business\n\nSONY still immersed in deep restructuring ..." ;
    nif:sourceUrl    ms-content:b156e0d-en .

# EN translation
graph ms-content:156e0d-de {
  <,2200> a nif:Context ;
    ms:fluency       "1.12"^^xsd:double ; # hopefully will be similar to original, but won't be identical
    ms:richness      "1.56"^^xsd:double ;
    ms:technicality  "2.41"^^xsd:double ;
    nif:beginIndex   "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:endIndex     "2200"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; # Assuming DE comes out longer than ES
    nif:isString     "SONY ist von seiner Batterie-Geschäft\n\nSONY klar immer noch in einer tiefen Umstrukturierung getaucht ..." ;
    nif:sourceUrl    ms-content:b156e0d-de .

Some NIF annotations:

# ES original
graph ms-content:156e0d {
  <,1224> a nif:Phrase ;
    nif:anchorOf           "batería de iones de litio" ;
    nif:beginIndex         "1199"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:endIndex           "1224"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:referenceContext   <,2131> ;
    nif-ann:taIdentConf    "1.0"^^xsd:double ;
    nif-ann:taIdentProv    <> ;
    its:taClassRef         ms:GenericConcept ;
    its:taIdentRef         bn:s01289274n .

# The BN labels are submitted in the SIMMO graph but stored in the default graph, thus the same for all languages
bn:s01289274n skos:prefLabel "LiIon"@de, "Li-ion cell"@en, "Batteries lithium-ion"@fr, "Литиево-йонна батерия"@bg .

# EN translation
graph ms-content:156e0d-en {
  <,1119> a nif:Phrase ;
    nif:anchorOf           "lithium ion battery" ;
    nif:beginIndex         "1100"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:endIndex           "1119"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:referenceContext   <,1800> ;
    nif-ann:taIdentConf    "1.0"^^xsd:double ;
    nif-ann:taIdentProv    <> ;
    its:taClassRef         ms:GenericConcept ;
    its:taIdentRef         bn:s01289274n .

# DE translation
graph ms-content:156e0d-de {
  <,1218> a nif:Phrase ;
    nif:anchorOf           "Lithium-Ionen-Akku" ;
    nif:beginIndex         "1200"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:endIndex           "1218"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:referenceContext   <,2200> ;
    nif-ann:taIdentConf    "1.0"^^xsd:double ;
    nif-ann:taIdentProv    <> ;
    its:taClassRef         ms:GenericConcept ;
    its:taIdentRef         bn:s01289274n .

Multimedia is only present in the original-content graph:

graph ms-content:156e0d {
  ms-content:156e0d dct:hasPart 

    a dctype:MovingImage;
    dc:format "video/mp4".

    a dctype:StillImage;
    dc:format "image/jpeg".



  • added prefixes bibo: upf-pos-spa: upf-dep-deu: upf-pos-deu: (before we only had upf-dep-spa:). Please update.
  • Would also be nice to translate schema:keywords (currently is "preisportal, vergleich, check24, verivox, billiger, idealo, geizhals, tricks, betrug, geld" in both DE original and EN translation)
  • All the rest is ok

TODO BabelNet Multilingual Labels

The Entity Linking Service can find BN concepts in any language, because BN concepts have multilingual labels. This is unrelated to whether the SIMMO is translated to another language or not. It's up to the UI to filter BN labels and show only labels in the selected language.

However, not all BN concepts have labels in all MS languages. Therefore the UI should implement some language fall-back logic:

  • if no label in the selected language is available, show the EN label
  • TODO Boyan: check whether all BN concepts have EN labels.

CANCEL Add Spanish BabelNet Labels

Gerard, as we saw above, Babelfy recognizes "batería de iones de litio" but bn:s01289274n does not have ES label (has EN, FR, DE, BG). This concept has ES representation on the BN site. Do you need to add Spanish labels?

  • Gerard <2016-09-01>: The EL service is using the 2.5.1 release of BabelNet to fetch the translations, as these cannot be retrieved using Babelfy's API, so it is possible that some synset senses have translations in the latest version online (suppose it matches 3.7) which aren't found in 2.5.1.
  • Vladimir: When we got complete BN data (for the concepts found by you plus their ancestors), we used BN online.

So should include all needed labels. (But right now it is down: "Error parsing configuration file file://c:/home/debian/storage/apache-tomcat-7.0.65/webapps/rdf/WEB-INF/config.ttl: Error making the query, see cause for details")

Translated-content Queries

Find Entities

All queries for a single language (eg find concepts) won't change. Eg here is how to find entities in the original and translated SIMMOs (hopefully the same entities will be recognized). We just change the graph:

# ES Original
select distinct ?concept ?label {
  graph ms-content:156e0d {[] itsrdf:taIdentRef ?entity}.
  ?entity skos:prefLabel ?label

# EN Translation
select distinct ?concept ?label {
  graph ms-content:156e0d-en {[] itsrdf:taIdentRef ?entity}.
  ?entity skos:prefLabel ?label
Select Single Label

We can filter to entity labels in the selected language, implementing "language fall-back". coalesce() picks the first bound variable. We don't need it for EN since we assume all BN concepts have EN.

# ES Original
select distinct ?concept (coalesce(?labelEs,?labelEn) as ?label) {
  graph ms-content:156e0d {[] itsrdf:taIdentRef ?entity}.
  ?entity skos:prefLabel ?labelEn filter(lang(?labelEn)="en")
  optional {?entity skos:prefLabel ?labelEs filter(lang(?labelEn)="es")}

# EN Translation
select distinct * {
  graph ms-content:156e0d-en {[] itsrdf:taIdentRef ?entity}.
  ?entity skos:prefLabel ?label filter(lang(?labelEn)="en")
Find Translations

To find all translations of a SIMMO we make a query across graphs (i.e. in the default graph, which is a union of all graphs). Remember that $ indicates a query paramter (while ? indicates a free variable):

select * {
  ?translatedSIMMO bibo:translationOf $SIMMO; dc:language ?translatedLang}

To find all translations in a given language:

select * {
  ?translatedSIMMO bibo:translationOf ?SIMMO; dc:language $lang}

To find all original SIMMOs (not translations):

select * {?simmo filter not exists {?simmo bibo:translationOf []}}

To check whether a given SIMMO is a translation:

ask {$simmo bibo:translationOf []}

Date: <2016-09-05>

Author: Vladimir Alexiev

Emacs (Org mode 8.2.10)
