Extending OWL2 Property Constructs with OWLIM Rules

Table of Contents


While OWL2 has very powerful class constructs, its property constructs are quite weak. We propose several extensions that we found useful when making:

  • CIDOC CRM Fundamental Relations Search for the British Museum
  • Appropriate compositions of BTG, BTP, BTI relations for the Getty Vocabularies

Existing Property Constructs

OWL2 Property Constructs include the following. Below we use pN for premises, q for conclusion. prop path is a SPARQL 1.1 property path, := means "equivalent to" and <= means "implied by". We provide an illustration, where the conclusion is in red

construct prop path illustration
Symmetric (self-inverse) q := ^q SymmetricProperty.png
Inverse q := ^p inverseOf.png
Disjunction (parallel composition) q <= p1 | p2 subPropertyOf.png
Chain (sequential composition) q <= p1/../pN propertyChainAxiom.png
Transitive closure q <= p+ TransitiveProperty.png

The corresponding OWL2 axioms (in RDF Turtle) are:

q a owl:SymmetricProperty.
q owl:inverseOf p.
p1 rdfs:subPropertyOf q. p2 rdfs:subPropertyOf q.
q owl:propertyChainAxiom (p1..pN).
p rdfs:subPropertyOf q. q a owl:TransitiveProperty.

New Property Constructs

Below we use pN for premises, r for restriction (which is just another premise), tN for types, q for conclusion. prop path uses the following additional constructs:

  • p & r: property conjunction (restriction): holds between two nodes when both properties connect the same nodes
  • [t1] p [t2]: type restriction: holds when the source node has type t1 and the target node has type t2 (shown inside the node)
construct name prop path illustration
Extension on the right transitiveOver q <= q / p transitiveOver.png
Extension by conjunction on the right TransitiveOverRestr q <= (q / p) & r TransitiveOverRestr.png
Extension on the left transitiveLeft q <= p / q transitiveLeft.png
Chain of fixed length 2 PropChain q <= p1 / p2 PropChain.png
Conjunction (restriction by property) PropRestr q <= p & r PropRestr.png
Chain and restriction by property PropChainRestr q <= (p1 / p2) & r PropChainRestr.png
Restriction by two typechecks TypeRestr q <= [t1] p [t2] TypeRestr.png
Restriction by 1 typecheck Type1Restr q <= [t1] p Type1Restr.png
Chain and typecheck PropChainType2 q <= p1 / p2[t2] PropChainType2.png
Chain, typecheck and restriction PropChainRestrType2Restr q <= (p1 / p2[t2]) & r PropChainRestrType2Restr.png

Note: PropRestr is a conjunction of two properties. We call the first one premise and the second one restriction only for stylistic reasons, to better match PropChainRestr.


We represent the constructs as axioms (in RDF Turtle):

q ptop:transitiveOver p.
x a ptop:TransitiveOverRestr; ptop:premise p; ptop:restricton r; ptop:conclusion q.
q ptop:transitiveLeft p.
x a ptop:PropChain; ptop:premise1 p1; ptop:premise2 p2; ptop:conclusion q.
x a ptop:PropRestr; ptop:premise p; ptop:restricton r; ptop:conclusion q.
x a ptop:PropChainRestr; ptop:premise1 p1; ptop:premise2 p2; ptop:restricton r; ptop:conclusion q.
x a ptop:TypeRestr; ptop:premise p; ptop:type1 t1; ptop:type2 t2; ptop:conclusion q.
x a ptop:Type1Restr; ptop:premise p; ptop:type1 t1; ptop:conclusion q.
x a ptop:PropChainRestrType2Restr; ptop:premise1 p1; ptop:premise2 p2; ptop:restricton r; ptop:type2 t2; ptop:conclusion q.
  • The lowercase constructs are simple relations between properties, similar to owl:inverseOf.
  • For the uppercase constructs we use specific structures, distinguished by a particular type (eg ptop:PropChain) and using specific slot names for the construct's constituents. TODO: but the slot names are the same across constructs, which causes lower specificity and slower execution.

This is in contrast to owl:propertyChainAxiom, which uses a general structure (rdf:List):

  • The benefit of our approach is that it can be implemented more efficiently: propertyChainAxiom needs to use intermediate nodes and edges in order to unroll the rdf:List representing the chain
  • The disadvantage is that it allows only constructs of limited length. But have you seen in practice an owl:propertyChainAxiom with a chain longer than 2?


We implement these constructs using OWLIM Rules, which has the benefit of incremental retract: when a premise is deleted, its unsupported conclusions are deleted, recursively. This is possible since the rules are simple enough (eg don't include arithmetics or comparisons), so they can be executed "backwards" during retraction. We show the implementation only of the last (most complicated) rule.

Id: ptop_PropChainRestrType2Restr
  t <rdf:type> <ptop:PropChainRestrType2Restr>
  t <ptop:premise1>    p1
  t <ptop:premise2>    p2
  t <ptop:restriction> r
  t <ptop:type2>       t2
  t <ptop:conclusion>  q
  x p1 y
  y p2 z
  z <rdf:type> t2
  x r z
  x q z

This could also be implemented with RIF or N3 Rules. But SPIN cannot be used because the rules are recursive, unless one is willing to iterate until no more conclusions are inferred.

Notes and Examples


It all started with ptop:transitiveOver, which has been part of Ontotext's PROTON ontology since 2008(?). This is better than owl:TransitiveProperty for two reasons:

  • It's more general: q is a TransitiveProperty iff it's transitiveOver itself:
q a owl:TransitiveProperty <=> q ptop:transitiveOver q

ptop:transitiveOver is more general because you could different properties with it. For example, the canonical inferencing of types along the class hierarchy can be expressed as:

rdf:type ptop:transitiveOver rdfs:subClassOf

Note: SymmetricProperty is a specialziation of inverseOf in an analogous way:

q a owl:SymmetricProperty <=> a owl:inverseOf a
  • It allows more efficient implementation of transitive closures.

Transitive properties are usually implemented as transitive closure over a basic step property. For example, skos:broaderTransitive is based on skos:broader and is usually implemented as

skos:broader rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:broaderTransitive.
skos:broaderTransitive a owl:TransitiveProperty.

Now consider a chain of skos:broader between two nodes. owl:TransitiveProperty has to consider every split of the chain, and infers the same closure between the two nodes multiple times, leading to quadratic inference complexity. The following axioms are more efficient, since they seek to extend the chain only at the right end:

skos:broader rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:broaderTransitive.
skos:broaderTransitive ptop:transitiveOver skos:broader.


transitiveLeft is just like transitiveOver, but extends the chain of q by using p on the left, not on the right. For example, the first three axioms below say that broaderPartitiveExtended is a chain of broaderPartitive, followed by any number of broaderPartitive|broaderGeneric on the right. The last axiom also allows any number of broaderGeneric on the left.

gvp:broaderPartitive rdfs:subPropertyOf gvp:broaderPartitiveExtended.
gvp:broaderPartitiveExtended ptop:transitiveOver gvp:broaderGeneric.
gvp:broaderPartitiveExtended ptop:transitiveOver gvp:broaderPartitive.
gvp:broaderPartitiveExtended ptop:transitiveLeft gvp:broaderGeneric.

So in effect broaderPartitiveExtended is any chain of broaderPartitive|broaderGeneric, including at least one broaderPartitive. You don't need to bother with transitiveLeft if you are extending a single property, but you may need it if you are mixing two.


To understand this example, you need to know a bit about the LOD representation of the Getty Vocabularies:

  • TGN places form a hierarchy using broaderPartitive
  • AAT concepts (including place types) form a hierarchy using broaderGeneric (mostly)
  • TGN place is connected to its AAT place type using broaderInstantial

We first defined broaderInstantialExtended as a closure of broaderInstantial over broaderGeneric (only on the right):

gvp:broaderInstantial rdfs:subPropertyOf gvp:broaderInstantialExtended.
gvp:broaderInstantialExtended ptop:transitiveOver gvp:broaderGeneric.

But we faced a problem: some broaderGeneric are better suited for this purpose than others. AAT concepts (including place types) have a Preferred (primary) hierarchy, and often have secondary (Non-Preferred) hierarchies, eg:

place type Preferred Hierarchy Non-Preferred Hierarchy
continents Built Environment (Hierarchy Name) Associated Concepts
(eg Europe) . Settlements and Landscapes . scientific concepts
  .. landscapes (environments) .. physical sciences concepts
  … natural landscapes … earth sciences concepts
  …. landforms (terrestrial) …. earth features
  ….. landmasses ….. physical features
  …… continents …… hypsographic features
    ……. terrestrial features (natural)
    …….. landforms (terrestrial)
    ……… continents
inhabited places Objects Facet Agents Facet
(eg Sofia) . Settlements and Landscapes . organizations (groups)
  .. inhabited places .. administrative bodies
    … political administrative bodies
    …. <political administrative bodies by general designation>
    ….. inhabited places

While the Preferred hierarchy is useful, the secondary hierarchy is not so useful: few people would think of Europe as a "scientific concept" or Sofia city as an "organization". So we found it better to define broaderInstantialExtended as a closure over broaderGeneric restricted by broaderPreferred:

[a ptop:TransitiveOverRestr;
 ptop:conclusion  gvp:broaderInstantialExtended;
 ptop:premise     gvp:broaderGeneric;
 ptop:restriction gvp:broaderPreferred].


PropChain is like owl:propertyChainAxiom but for chains of length 2 (have you seen longer chains used in practice?) The advantage is more efficient implementation, as propertyChainAxiom needs to use intermediate nodes and edges in order to unroll the rdf:List representing the chain.

You don't need to rewrite your owl:propertyChainAxioms to use ptop:PropChain: you can convert with a rule like this:

Id: ptop_PropChainByPropertyChainAxiom
  p  <owl:propertyChainAxiom> l1
  l1 <rdf:first> p1
  l1 <rdf:rest>  l2
  l2 <rdf:first> p2
  l2 <rdf:rest>  <rdf:nil>
  t <rdf:type> <ptop:PropChain>
  t <ptop:premise1>   p1
  t <ptop:premise2>   p2
  t <ptop:conclusion> p

But if your OWLIM ruleset has a general implementation of owl:propertyChainAxiom, it needs to be modified to apply to chains longer than 2 only.


OWL2 does not allow the expression of conjunctive properties, something that provided original motivation for these extensions, while working on CRM Fundamental Relations.

For example, iso:broaderGeneric can be defined as a restriction of gvp:broaderGenericExtended to skos:broader (i.e. directly connected skos:Concepts):

[a ptop:PropRestr;
 ptop:premise    skos:broader;
 ptop:restricton gvp:broaderGenericExtended;
 ptop:conclusion iso:broaderGeneric].


PropChainRestr is a combination of PropChain and PropRestr. For example, broaderPreferredExtended is the transitive closure of broaderPreferred, but restricted to broaderExtended.

[a ptop:PropChainRestr;
 ptop:premise1    gvp:broaderPreferredExtended;
 ptop:premise2    gvp:broaderPreferred;
 ptop:restriction gvp:broaderExtended;
 ptop:conclusion  gvp:broaderPreferredExtended].


TypeRestr is a restriction of a property to connect nodes of specified types. (Type1Restr is a very simple modification where we restrict only the source node.) For example, skos:broader is a restriction of gvp:broader to only skos:Concepts; iso:subordinateArray is a restriction of gvp:narrower from skos:Concept to iso:ThesaurusArray.

[a ptop:TypeRestr;
 ptop:premise    gvp:broader;
 ptop:type1      skos:Concept;
 ptop:type2      skos:Concept;
 ptop:conclusion skos:broader].
[a ptop:TypeRestr;
 ptop:premise    gvp:narrower;
 ptop:type1      skos:Concept;
 ptop:type2      iso:ThesaurusArray;
 ptop:conclusion iso:subordinateArray].


There's nothing fundamentally important about this pattern. But we found it useful in order to infer skos:broader as a restriction of gvp:broaderExtended over directly connected pairs of skos:Concept (no intervening skos:Concept). We use an auxiliary property gvp:broaderNonConcept, which connects skos:Concept to non-concepts (it itself is implemented with PropChainRestrType2Restr).

[a ptop:PropChainRestrType2Restr;
 ptop:premise1    gvp:broaderNonConcept;
 ptop:premise2    gvp:broader;
 ptop:restriction gvp:broaderExtended;
 ptop:type2       skos:Concept;
 ptop:conclusion  skos:broader].

The power of our approach is that you can easily define more constructs for any rule patterns that are important in your situation.

Date: 2014-09-18

Author: Vladimir Alexiev, Ontotext Corp

Created: 2014-09-18 Thu 01:08

Emacs (Org mode 8.2.6)
