rdf2rml - Convert RDF examples to R2RML scripts

Vladimir Alexiev, Ontotext Corp


Table of Contents


rdf2rml.sh model.ttl > model.r2rml.ttl


rdf2rml converts an RDF example with embedded tables (or SQL queries) column names into an R2RML script. R2RML is the W3C standard for RDBMS->RDF conversion. It is quite verbose and requires semantic experience to write.

rdf2rml generates R2RML transformations from examples, which saves about 15x in complexity and ensures compliance of the actual conversion to the model.

Typically the example is an rdfpuml model that uses embedded column names rather than actual attribute values.

RDF Model

The RDF model is a normal Turtle file with two additions.

  1. puml:label is used to provide the SQL source for each node It can be one of the following:
  2. Parenthesized column names are used in literals and URLs to indicate where to substitute SQL data. Parentheses are converted to curly brackets in the R2RML putput to conform with the requirements of rr:template.

That’s all we need to be able to generate R2RML!


Consider the following example:

  puml:label """
    exhibitions left join conxrefs 
     on id=exhibitionid
     where tableid=47
      and roleid=286  
      and exhdepartment in (53,54)
  a crm:E7_Activity;
  crm:P2_has_type aat:300054766; # exhibition
  crm:P14_carried_out_by <agent/(constituentid)>;
  crm:P1_is_identified_by <exhibition/(exhibitionid)/title>;
  crm:P4_has_time-span <exhibition/(exhibitionid)/date>.

<exhibition/(exhibitionid)/title> a crm:E41_Appellation;
  crm:P3_has_note "(exhtitle)".

<exhibition/(exhibitionid)/date> a crm:E52_Time-Span;
  crm:P3_has_note "(displaydate)";
  crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin "(beginisodate)"^^xsd:date;
  crm:P82b_end_of_the_end "(endisodate)"^^xsd:date.

This creates 3 connected nodes. All of them use the same query, inherited from the top node. The column (exhibitionid) is used in the URLs of all these nodes, to ensure that correlated (linked) nodes are created for each row in the resultset.

Constant values like a crm:E7_Activity and crm:P2_has_type aat:300054766 are emitted as is. Variables like (displaydate) are substituted. As a hybrid example, (endisodate) uses a variable value but constant datatype xsd:date.

Now let’s see the full example test/exhibitions/exhibitions.ttl:

Generated R2RML

The generated R2RML script is test/exhibitions/exhibitions.r2rml.ttl. The single node circled in red on the diagram above (and its 3 outgoing connections) generates the following R2RML nodes: a saving of about 15x complexity!

Relational Data

Now let’s assume that we have the following relational data about Exhibitions (test/exhibitions/exhibitions.sql):

conaddressid constituentid address
101 1 ‘Getty Drive’
102 2 ‘MoMA Street’
103 3 ‘LACMA County’
tableid roleid id constituentid
47 286 123 1
constituentid constituent
1 ‘Getty Museum’
2 ‘MoMA’
exhibitionid exhdepartment exhtitle displaydate beginisodate endisodate
123 53 ‘Getty through the ages’ ‘October 2016’ ‘2016-10-01’ ‘2016-10-30’
exhvenxref exhid conid conaddrid approved dispord displaydate beginisodate endisodate
202 123 2 102 1 1 ‘Early Oct 2016’ ‘2016-10-01’ ‘2016-10-15’
203 123 3 103 1 2 ‘Late Oct 2016’ ‘2016-10-16’ ‘2016-10-30’
exhvenuexrefid objectid catalognumber begindispldateiso enddispldateiso displayed
202 1001 ‘cat 1001’ ‘2016-10-01’ ‘2016-10-15’ 1
203 1001 ‘cat 1001’ ‘2016-10-16’ ‘2016-10-30’ 1
202 1002 ‘cat 1002’ ‘2016-10-01’ ‘2016-10-15’ 1

Output RDF

If we apply the generated R2RML script on the relational data, we get this output: test/exhibitions/exhibitions-out.ttl.

As you can see, it has the same structure as the example test/exhibitions/exhibitions.ttl but more nodes:


Internal Workings

This tool consists of two scripts.


rdf2rml.ru is a SPARQL UPDATE script that transforms the model to R2RML.

It uses rr:graph for all output, so it can be separated from the input.

It makes deterministic R2RML URLs by taking the source URLs and using this convention:

<{s}!map>     for rr:TriplesMap
<{s}!subj>    for rr:SubjectMap
<{s}!{p}!{o}> for rr:PredicateObjectMap

Here {s} is the full subject URL, but {p} {o} are stripped to their local names.

The SPARQL UPDATE has the following steps:

  1. Propagates inherited queries from parent to child nodes (repeated several times to ensure propagation from child to grandchild).
  2. Emits rr:logicalTable for each subject node, using rr:tableName or rr:sqlQuery.
  3. Emits constant subjects (those that have no parentheses in the URL) using rr:constant
  4. Creates variable subjects (those that have a parenthesis in the URL) replacing parentheses with curly brackets, and using rr:template.
  5. Creates constant rr:class for each subject that has one.
  6. Creates rr:predicateObjectMap for each pair subject-object
  7. Emits constant objects (those that have no parentheses in URL or literal) using rr:object
  8. Creates variable objects (those that have a parenthesis in the URL or literal) replacing parentheses with curly brackets, and using rr:objectMap and rr:template.
  9. Ensures that appropriate rr:termType, rr:datatype, rr:language are emitted for each object.
  10. Removes source data by using clear default, to preserve only the output graph rr:graph


rdf2rml.sh is a simple shell script that takes file prefixes.ttl in the current folder, prepends it to the model file, converts it to SPARQL form, and prepends it to the SPARQL script. Then it runs the SPARQL script, converts the output to turtle, removes prefixes, and sorts the output by subject.

See test/*/Makefile for examples how to set up make.


rdf2rml.sh hard-codes the TMP directory and the location of Apache Jena

It also unconditionally looks for a file prefixes.ttl in the current folder that it prepends to the model file and the SPARQL script.

Use parentheses to designate column names in literals and URLs, instead of curly brackets as the R2RML standard (rr:template) uses. This makes the URLs valid, so the RDF can be validated and diagrammed.

Parentheses in literals are shown as brackets on generated diagrams, due to a limitation of rdfpuml.

Resource classes, literal datatypes and languages are limited to constant values: you cannot specify they should come from a SQL column.

You may get a Jena RIOT warning for literals with numeric or date/time datatype, because a parenthesized string is not a valid lexical form for such literals. But the conversion will work fine despite of the warning.