2D presentation (O for overview, ? for help). Continuous HTML. Publications
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Large-scale semantic annotation based on:
KIM Semantic Solutions describes the various parts of KIM that can be customized
See more info including brochures, cases etc
Ontotext works on fundamental backend technologies important for tech KPIs
Ontotext creates OAI PMH server for Europeana
Ontotext hosts the Europeana semantic data (EDM) in OWLIM
Eg Polish Periodicals by library and decade
select ?date (sum(?n1) as ?Uniwersytetu_Warszawskiego) (sum(?n2) as ?Politechniki_Lubelskiej) (sum(?n3) as ?Baltycka) { ?x dc:type 'periodical'@en. ?x ore:proxyIn/edm:dataProvider ?dataProvider. ?x dc:date ?date2. bind (xsd:integer(concat(substr(?date2,1,3),'0')) as ?date) bind (if(?dataProvider='e-biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego',1,0) as ?n1) bind (if(?dataProvider='Biblioteka Cyfrowa Politechniki Lubelskiej',1,0) as ?n2) bind (if(?dataProvider='Bałtycka Biblioteka Cyfrowa',1,0) as ?n3) } group by ?date order by ?date
Eg Polish Periodicals by library & decade (you can jsfiddle with it)
Ontotext works on:
Crawled 1.5M recipes, extracted ingredients, matched to SR23 enabling semantic search
A Bulgarian aggregator to Europeana
World-famous Bulgarian treasures:
Now any European citizen can find it!
Others make beautiful apps with your data! Bulgariana Collection Featured in Open Culture
Ontotext helped create some of the significant CH LOD datasets, hosted on GraphDB:
Comparing to:
Millions: objects, explicit statements, ex.st per object, total statements; expansion ratio
Repo | Ontology | Obj | Ex.st | Ex.st/obj | Tot.st | Exp. | Nodes | Density | Reasoning |
BM | CRM | 2.0 | 195 | 90 | 916 | 4.7 | 54 | 17.0 | rdfs+tran+FR |
PSNC | CRM/FRBRoo | 3.1 | 234 | 75 | 535 | 2.3 | 60 | 8.9 | rdfs-subClass |
Europeana | EDM | 20.3 | 998 | 50 | 3798 | 3.8 | 266 | 14.3 | owl-horst |
Getty | SKOS etc | 1.3 | 103 | 79 | 163 | 1.6 | 28 | 5.8 | owl-horst |
FF | DC, DBP | 1673 | 3211 | 1.9 | 456 | 7.0 | owl-horst | ||
LLD | 6706 | 10192 | 1.5 | 1554 | 6.6 | rdfs+trans |
References (Partial):
For example:
Also works across collections, eg BM and Yale Center for British Art
Allows arbitrary shapes using SvgEdit, supports deep zoom, relates to semantic facts, or free discussion
CRM data comprises complex graphs of nodes and properties.
FC/FR Approach:
How a Thing's origin can be related to Place (* = recursion)
FC70_Thing --(P46i_forms_part_of* | P106i_forms_part_of* | P148i_is_component_of*)-> FC70_Thing: {FC70_Thing --(P53_has_former_or_current_location | P54_has_current_permanent_location)-> E53_Place: {E53_Place --P89_falls_within*-> E53_Place} OR FC70_Thing --P92i_was_brought_into_existence_by-> E63_Beginning_of_Existence: {E63_Beginning_of_Existence --P9i_forms_part_of*-> E5_Event: {E5_Event --P7_took_place_at-> E53_Place: {E53_Place --P89_falls_within*-> E53_Place} OR E7_Activity --P14_carried_out_by-> E39_Actor: {E39_Actor --P107i_is_current_or_former_member_of* -> E39_Actor: {E39_Actor --P74_has_current_or_former_residence -> E53_Place: {E53_Place --P89_falls_within*-> E53_Place} OR E39_Actor --P92i_was_brought_into_existence_by-> E63_Beginning_of_Existence: {E63_Beginning_of_Existence --P9i_forms_part_of*-> E5_Event: {E5_Event --P7_took_place_at-> E53_Place: {E53_Place --P89_falls_within* -> E53_Place}}}}}}} OR E19_Physical_Thing --P25i_moved_by-> E9_Move: {E9_Move --(P26_moved_to | P27_moved_from)-> E53_Place: {E53_Place --P89_falls_within*-> E53_Place}} OR E19_Physical_Object --P24i_changed_ownership_through-> E8_Acquisition: {E8_Acquisition --P9i_forms_part_of*-> E5_Event: {E5_Event --P7_took_place_at-> E53_Place: {E53_Place --P89_falls_within*-> E53_Place}}}}
select ?t ?p2 { ?t a FC70_Thing. ?t (P46i_forms_part_of* | P106i_forms_part_of* | P148i_is_component_of*) ?t1. {?t1 (P53_has_former_or_current_location | P54_has_current_permanent_location) ?p1} UNION {?t1 P92i_was_brought_into_existence_by ?e1. ?e1 P9i_forms_part_of* ?e2. {?e2 P7_took_place_at ?p1} UNION {?e2 P14_carried_out_by ?a1. ?a1 P107i_is_current_or_former_member_of* ?a2. {?a2 P74_has_current_or_former_residence ?p1} UNION {?a2 P92i_was_brought_into_existence_by ?e3. ?e3 P9i_forms_part_of* ?e4. ?e4 P7_took_place_at ?p1}}} UNION {?t2 P25i_moved_by ?e5. ?e5 (P26_moved_to | P27_moved_from) ?p1} UNION {?t2 P24i_changed_ownership_through ?e6. ?e6 P9i_forms_part_of ?e7. ?e7 P7_took_place_at ?p1}. ?p1 P89_falls_within* ?p2}
# self-loops and simple disjunctions FRT_46i_106i_148i := (P46i|P106i|P148i)+ FRT_9i_10 := (P9|P10)+ FRT_107i := P107i+ FRT_89 := P89+ FRX_53_54 := (P53|P54) FRX_24i_25i := (P24i|P25i) # growing fragments FRX_92i := P92i | P92i/FRT_9i_10 FRX_92i_14 := FRX_92i/P14 | FRX_92i/P14/FRT_107i FRX_FC70_E8_9_63 := FRX_92i_14/P92i | FRX_24i_25i FRX_FC70_E8_9_63_P7 := FRX_FC70_E8_9_63/P7 | FRX_FC70_E8_9_63/FRT_9i_10/P7 FRX7 := FRX_53_54 | FRX_FC70_E8_9_63_P7 | FRX_92i_14/P74 | FRX_92i/P7 FRX7_P89 := FRX7 | FRX7/FRT_89 FR7 := FRX7_P89 | FRT_46i_106i_148i/FRX7_P89
Used to check no disconnected props, no misspelling in rules
Well-known and important cultural heritage thesauri:
Ontotext helps Getty publish them as LOD: http://vocab.getty.edu
Duality Concept-Place (ala VIAF, UK BL, FR BnF, SE KB..)
Custom ontology: http://vocab.getty.edu/ontology
Latest standard on thesauri: ISO 25946. Use Thesaurus Array for ordered children
On Compositionality of ISO 25964 Hierarchical Relations (BTG, BTP, BTI), V.Alexiev, J.Lindenthal, A.Isaac. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS 2014) Workshop at DL2014, London, 11-12 Sep 2014
Number of members of the UN per year. See doc or jsfiddle with it