Semantic Technologies for Cultural Heritage

Vladimir Alexiev, Ontotext Corp


2D presentation (O for overview, ? for help). Continuous HTML. Publications

Semantic Technologies

  • Web 1.0: hyperlinked documents (World Wide Web)
  • Web 2.0: interactive applications, the Social Web
  • Web 3.0: interlinked data (Global Giant Graph)

Is this something new?

  • It was all envisioned by Sir Tim Berners-Lee 25 years ago
  • Standardized by W3C: both HTML and sem web standards (RDF, RDFS, OWL, SPARQL…)
  • Great flurry of sem tech activity in the last 15 years
  • Buzzwords: Big Data, Semantic Analytics, Concept Extraction, Sentiment Analysis…

Linked Open Data Cloud


Linguistic Linked Data


Cultural Heritage Linked Data


Europeana Recognizes Importance of Semantic Technologies


Europeana Sem Tech MindMap


Europeana Sem Tech MindMap Detail


Ontotext Corp

  • World Leading semantic technology developer
    • Working in this area since 2000 as part of Sirma Group
    • Spun off in 2008 after venture investment (NEVEQ)
    • 75 employees: Bulgaria (Sofia and Varna), UK, USA (Washington DC)
    • Global leader in semantic databases, semantic annotation and search
  • Proven Delivery
    • Highest profile sem web applications
    • BBC: World Cup 2010, London Olympics 2012, all of BBC sport…
    • Dynamic Semantic Publishing: Master Publishing platform
    • Semantic search for multinational pharmaceuticals (eg Astra Zeneca)
  • Stable and Growing, both staff and revenue

Some Ontotext Clients


Ontotext Research Projects (FP5-FP7)

  • Bulgaria's largest participant: over 30 projects


Current Research Projects

  • EUCLID : Educational Curriculum for the usage of Linked Data
    • Professional training curriculum for data practitioners aiming to use Linked Data in their daily work.
    • Strongly relevant to CH metadata specialists and other experts focusing on Linked Open Data
  • AnnoMarket : Cloud-Based Text Annotation Marketplace
    • Open marketplace for pay-as-you-go, cloud-based extraction resources and services
    • Multilingual semantic entity extraction from CH text (e.g. museum object descriptions) is important and largely unsolved
  • LDBC : Linked Data Benchmark Council
    • NPO for publishing and auditing benchmark results for graph and RDF databases.
    • CH institutions that decide to use repositories require such info, and can provide meaningful use cases

Current Research Projects (2)

  • Europeana Creative : Re-use of cultural heritage metadata and content by the creative industries.
    • Contribution to improving the usefulness and kick-starting the professional use of Europeana data
    • Ontotext plays a core technological role, helping to fulfill 3 Europeana technical KPIs
  • Europeana Food and Drink : explore and celebrate European cultural identity through its culinary and social history
    • Ontotext works on culinary culture classification scheme, semantic representation and storage, semantic text analysis, and semantic application

Current Research Projects (3)

  • MultiSensor : Multidimensional content integration
    • Mine heterogeneous content using multilingual technologies with sentiment, social and spatiotemporal competence
    • Application of Linguistic Linked Data
    • Relevant to text and multimedia CH content
  • DaPaaS : Data Publishing through the Cloud
    • Data- and Platform-as-a-Service Approach for Efficient Data Publication and Consumption
    • Useful for converting and hosting your Linked Open Data, and implementing Open Data Portals
  • Pheme : Computing Veracity Across Media, Languages, and Social Networks

Some Ontotext Products

  • GraphDB (OWLIM)
  • KIM Semantic Annotation
  • Master Publishing Platform
  • PROTON Ontology


  • High-performance semantic repository created by Ontotext
  • Reasoning and query evaluation are performed over a persistent storage layer.
  • Loading, reasoning and query evaluation are fast even against complex ontologies and huge knowledge bases
  • Can manage billions of statements on desktop hardware, 10s of billions on commodity server hardware
  • Pure Java implementation, ensuring ease of deployment and portability
  • Compatible with Sesame (OpenRDF), which brings interoperability benefits and support for all major RDF syntaxes and query languages
  • Compatible with Jena through a built in adapter layer
  • Enterprise-grade
  • Used by important commercial clients (see slide above)
  • Found a great following in the CH domain (see later)

GraphDB Features

  • High-performance reasoning: RDFS, OWL-Horst, OWL2 RL, QL
  • Custom rule-sets allow tuning for optimal performance and expressivity
  • Optimized owl:sameAs handling: dramatic improvements for data integrated from multiple sources
  • Clustering: resilience, fail-over and scalable parallel query processing
  • Geo-spatial extensions for fast geo queries over WGS84 data
  • Full-text search support, based on either Lucene or proprietary search techniques
  • High-performance retraction of statements & inferences
  • Expressive consistency & integrity constraint checking mechanisms
  • Notification mechanism, to allow clients to react to statements in the update stream

New GraphDB Features

  • GraphDB-Workbench with improved management
  • JMX-based management and control interfaces
  • Cluster deployment and testing tool
  • Cluster operational improvements
  • Explain Query Plans
  • Rule profiling
  • Support for external plug-ins. Loaded from the classpath, handle custom functions & predicates
  • Connectors that synchronize RDF data to provide extremely fast full-text and facet searches:
    • Elasticsearch GraphDB Connector
    • Lucene GraphDB Connector
    • Solr GraphDB Connector

KIM Semantic Annotation and Search

  • Built on top of GATE
  • Ontotext is the largest commercial contributor to GATE
  • Used by important commercial clients: BBC, UK Press Association, NDP, Oxford University Press, Financial Times, Euromoney…

Large-scale semantic annotation based on:

  • Assembling a semantic knowledge base of a domain
  • Creating annotation guidelines and a Gold Standard Corpus
  • Machine learning


  • Named Entity Recognition
  • Semantic Disambiguation
  • Concept Extraction
  • Relation Extraction
  • Event Extraction

KIM Customization

KIM Semantic Solutions describes the various parts of KIM that can be customized

Master Publishing Framework


PROTON Upper Ontology


Ontotext More Info

See more info including brochures, cases etc OntotextMarketingMaterials.png

Ontotext GLAM Projects

  • UK National Archives: Semantic Knowledge Base
  • Europeana Creative
  • Europeana Food and Drink
  • Bulgariana
  • GraphDB CH installations (endpoints)
  • ResearchSpace
  • Getty LOD

UK National Archives: Semantic Knowledge Base


Europeana Creative

  • Enabling Creatives to Work with CH Data
  • Pilots by eCreative partners
  • Open challenges, growing to incubation support
  • Help with collection data, content reuse, Europeana APIs, creative workshop ideas…


In 5 pilot areas: tourism, social networks, design, nature, history


Ontotext in Europeana / Europeana Creative

Ontotext works on fundamental backend technologies important for tech KPIs


Europeana OAI and SPARQL

Ontotext creates OAI PMH server for Europeana

  • So we or others can download objects in bulk

Ontotext hosts the Europeana semantic data (EDM) in OWLIM

SPARQL 1.1 Queries

Eg Polish Periodicals by library and decade

  (sum(?n1) as ?Uniwersytetu_Warszawskiego)
  (sum(?n2) as ?Politechniki_Lubelskiej)
  (sum(?n3) as ?Baltycka)
  ?x dc:type 'periodical'@en.
  ?x ore:proxyIn/edm:dataProvider ?dataProvider.
  ?x dc:date ?date2.
  bind (xsd:integer(concat(substr(?date2,1,3),'0')) as ?date)
  bind (if(?dataProvider='e-biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego',1,0) as ?n1)
  bind (if(?dataProvider='Biblioteka Cyfrowa Politechniki Lubelskiej',1,0) as ?n2)
  bind (if(?dataProvider='Bałtycka Biblioteka Cyfrowa',1,0) as ?n3)
} group by ?date order by ?date

SPARQL Analytics

Eg Polish Periodicals by library & decade (you can jsfiddle with it)

EDM Object Graph


Europeana Food and Drink

Europeana Food and Drink:

  • Explore and celebrate European cultural identity through its culinary and social history
  • 29 partners, of which perhaps 20 are content providers

Ontotext works on:

  • culinary culture classification scheme
  • semantic representation and storage
  • semantic text analysis
  • semantic application (pilot)

EDAMAM Recipe/Food Knowledge Base

Crawled 1.5M recipes, extracted ingredients, matched to SR23 enabling semantic search



A Bulgarian aggregator to Europeana


Bulgariana Collection: Thracian Gold

World-famous Bulgarian treasures:


Rhyton at Europeana

Now any European citizen can find it! rhyton-at-europeana.png

Rhyton at Europeana Open Culture

Others make beautiful apps with your data! Bulgariana Collection Featured in Open Culture


Ontotext / GraphDB in CH

Ontotext helped create some of the significant CH LOD datasets, hosted on GraphDB:

Comparing to:

GraphDB Repo Sizes

Millions: objects, explicit statements, per object, total statements; expansion ratio

Repo Ontology Obj Exp. Nodes Density Reasoning
BM CRM 2.0 195 90 916 4.7 54 17.0 rdfs+tran+FR
PSNC CRM/FRBRoo 3.1 234 75 535 2.3 60 8.9 rdfs-subClass
Europeana EDM 20.3 998 50 3798 3.8 266 14.3 owl-horst
Getty SKOS etc 1.3 103 79 163 1.6 28 5.8 owl-horst
FF DC, DBP   1673   3211 1.9 456 7.0 owl-horst
LLD     6706   10192 1.5 1554 6.6 rdfs+trans

References (Partial):

  • Large-scale Reasoning with a Complex Cultural Heritage Ontology (CIDOC CRM), CRMEX 2013
  • OWLIM Reasoning over FactForge, ORE 2012
  • Transforming a Flat Metadata Schema to a Semantic Web Ontology: The Polish Digital Libraries Federation and CIDOC CRM Case Study. Studies in Computational Intelligence 2012

Example GraphDB use: Charisma Portal charisma-portal.png


  • A Virtual Research Environment for art research
  • Funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation
  • Executed by the British Museum
  • Software developed by Ontotext
  • Uses Ontotext's semantic database (GraphDB)


  • Types and annotations for CIDOC CRM properties, DiPP 2012
  • Implementing CIDOC CRM search based on fundamental relations and OWLIM rules, SDA 2012
  • Large-scale Reasoning with a Complex Cultural Heritage Ontology (CIDOC CRM), CRMEX 2013
  • RDF data and image annotations in ResearchSpace, DH-CASE 2013

ResearchSpace Presentations and Videos

For example:

2M British Museum Objects as LOD

Eg RS-BM-HoaHakananai'a.png

ResearchSpace Semantic Search

Also works across collections, eg BM and Yale Center for British Art RS-search-Rembrandt-drawing-mammal.png

ResearchSpace: Semantic Data Annotation


ResearchSpace: Semantic Image Annotation

Allows arbitrary shapes using SvgEdit, supports deep zoom, relates to semantic facts, or free discussion RS-image-annotation-susanna-xRay.png

CRM Search (Fundamental Relations)

CRM data comprises complex graphs of nodes and properties.

  • How can a user search through such complex graphs?
  • The number of possible combinations is staggering

FC/FR Approach:

  • New Framework for Querying Semantic Networks (FORTH TR419, 2011)
  • Fundamental Categories and Relationships for intuitive querying CIDOC-CRM based repositories (FORTH TR-429, Apr 2012, 153 pages)
  • "Compresses" the semantic network by mapping networks of CRM properties to single FRs
  • FRs serve as a "search index" over the CRM semantic web
  • Allow the user to use a simpler query vocabulary

CRM Fundamental Relations Matrix

  • 114 FRs over all combinations of FCs; 18 "specialization FRs"


Example: Thing from Place

How a Thing's origin can be related to Place (* = recursion)

  • Thing (part of another)* considered to be "from" Place if:
  • is formerly or currently located at Place (falling in another)*
  • or was brought into existence (produced/created) by an Event (part of another)*
    • that happened at Place (falling in another)*
    • or was carried out by an Actor (who is member of a Group)*
      • who formerly or currently has residence at Place (falling in another)*
      • or was brought into existence (born/formed) by an Event (part of another)* that happened at Place (falling in another)*
  • or was Moved to/from a Place (falling in another)*
  • or changed ownership through an Acquisition (part of another)*
    • that happened at Place (falling in another)*

Thing from Place: Definition (CRM Classes & Properties)

FC70_Thing --(P46i_forms_part_of* | P106i_forms_part_of* | P148i_is_component_of*)-> FC70_Thing:
  {FC70_Thing --(P53_has_former_or_current_location | P54_has_current_permanent_location)-> E53_Place:
    {E53_Place --P89_falls_within*-> E53_Place}
  OR FC70_Thing --P92i_was_brought_into_existence_by-> E63_Beginning_of_Existence:
    {E63_Beginning_of_Existence --P9i_forms_part_of*-> E5_Event:
      {E5_Event --P7_took_place_at-> E53_Place:
        {E53_Place --P89_falls_within*-> E53_Place}
      OR E7_Activity --P14_carried_out_by-> E39_Actor:
        {E39_Actor --P107i_is_current_or_former_member_of* -> E39_Actor:
          {E39_Actor --P74_has_current_or_former_residence  -> E53_Place:
            {E53_Place --P89_falls_within*-> E53_Place}
          OR E39_Actor --P92i_was_brought_into_existence_by-> E63_Beginning_of_Existence:
            {E63_Beginning_of_Existence --P9i_forms_part_of*-> E5_Event:
              {E5_Event --P7_took_place_at-> E53_Place:
                {E53_Place --P89_falls_within* -> E53_Place}}}}}}}
  OR E19_Physical_Thing  --P25i_moved_by-> E9_Move:
    {E9_Move --(P26_moved_to | P27_moved_from)-> E53_Place:
      {E53_Place  --P89_falls_within*-> E53_Place}}
  OR E19_Physical_Object --P24i_changed_ownership_through-> E8_Acquisition:
    {E8_Acquisition --P9i_forms_part_of*-> E5_Event:
      {E5_Event --P7_took_place_at-> E53_Place:
        {E53_Place --P89_falls_within*-> E53_Place}}}}

Thing from Place: Graphical Representation


Thing from Place: SPARQL Query

select ?t ?p2 {
?t a FC70_Thing. ?t (P46i_forms_part_of* | P106i_forms_part_of* | P148i_is_component_of*) ?t1.
  {?t1 (P53_has_former_or_current_location | P54_has_current_permanent_location) ?p1}
  {?t1 P92i_was_brought_into_existence_by ?e1. ?e1 P9i_forms_part_of* ?e2.
      {?e2 P7_took_place_at ?p1}
      {?e2 P14_carried_out_by ?a1.
        ?a1 P107i_is_current_or_former_member_of* ?a2.
          {?a2 P74_has_current_or_former_residence ?p1}
          {?a2 P92i_was_brought_into_existence_by ?e3. ?e3 P9i_forms_part_of* ?e4. 
           ?e4 P7_took_place_at ?p1}}}
  {?t2 P25i_moved_by ?e5. ?e5 (P26_moved_to | P27_moved_from) ?p1}
  {?t2 P24i_changed_ownership_through ?e6.
    ?e6 P9i_forms_part_of ?e7. ?e7 P7_took_place_at ?p1}.
?p1 P89_falls_within* ?p2}
  • Very complex and expensive, especially when you need to combine with other FRs into composite queries
  • Tried in 3D COFORM, just doesn't work

Thing from Place: Corrected/Rationalized Definition


Thing from Place: Decomposing into sub-FRs

  • "Sub-FRs" are auxiliary relations used to build up the final FR
  • The numbering comes from CRM property and entity names
  • Prefixes: FR: final result, FRT: transitive, FRX: non-transitive, FC70=Thing or E: from/to that class
        # self-loops and simple disjunctions
FRT_46i_106i_148i := (P46i|P106i|P148i)+
FRT_9i_10 := (P9|P10)+
FRT_107i := P107i+
FRT_89 := P89+
FRX_53_54 := (P53|P54)
FRX_24i_25i := (P24i|P25i)
         # growing fragments
FRX_92i := P92i | P92i/FRT_9i_10
FRX_92i_14 := FRX_92i/P14 | FRX_92i/P14/FRT_107i
FRX_FC70_E8_9_63 := FRX_92i_14/P92i | FRX_24i_25i
FRX_FC70_E8_9_63_P7 := FRX_FC70_E8_9_63/P7 | FRX_FC70_E8_9_63/FRT_9i_10/P7
FRX7 := FRX_53_54 | FRX_FC70_E8_9_63_P7 | FRX_92i_14/P74 | FRX_92i/P7
FRX7_P89 := FRX7 | FRX7/FRT_89
FR7 := FRX7_P89 | FRT_46i_106i_148i/FRX7_P89

FR Implementation as OWLIM Rules

  • OWL2 doesn't have conjunctive properties
  • So we implemented with OWLIM rules, using the parallel/sequential decompositions above
  • Details: FR Implementation
  • Implemented 19 FRs of Thing (see FR Names):
    • refers to or is about Place; from Place; is/was located in Place
    • has met Actor; by Actor
    • refers to or is about Event; has met Event
    • is made of Material; is/has Type; used technique; identified by Identifier
  • Use 44 CRM properties. Took 86 rules, 10 axioms, 26 sub-FRs (gray on next slide)
  • Refactoring idea:

FR Dependency Diagram

Used to check no disconnected props, no misspelling in rules


Getty Vocabularies LOD

Well-known and important cultural heritage thesauri:

  • Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)
  • Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)
  • Unified List of Artist Names (ULAN)
  • Cultural Object Names Authority (CONA)

Ontotext helps Getty publish them as LOD:

  • AAT published Feb 2014, already sees numerous use cases
  • TGN published Aug 2014
  • Continuing with ULAN, CONA; AATA (bibliography), Getty Museum data
  • Special session at CIDOC Congress (Dresden, Sep 2014)

Getty External Ontologies

  • SKOS, SKOSXL, ISO 25964 for representing thesaurus info;
  • DC, DCT for common properties;
  • BIBO, FOAF for sources and contributors;
  • WGS, Schema for geographic information;
  • PROV for revision history;
  • RDF, RDFS, OWL, XSD for system properties;
  • R2RML for implementing the conversion.

Getty Semantic Representation

  • Covers subjects (concepts, guide terms…), hierarchical rels, associative rels, historic info, labels, sources, contributors, revision history, languages …
  • Doc (100 pages!): below is Semantic Overview


TGN Semantic Representation

Duality Concept-Place (ala VIAF, UK BL, FR BnF, SE KB..)


GVP Ontology

Custom ontology: GVP-documentation.png

Use of ISO 25946 in Getty LOD

Latest standard on thesauri: ISO 25946. Use Thesaurus Array for ordered children Getty-isoThesaurusArray.png

Contribution to ISO 25946

On Compositionality of ISO 25964 Hierarchical Relations (BTG, BTP, BTI), V.Alexiev, J.Lindenthal, A.Isaac. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS 2014) Workshop at DL2014, London, 11-12 Sep 2014

GVP LOD Architecture


TGN Charting with SPARQL

Number of members of the UN per year. See doc or jsfiddle with it


Possible Future Topics

  • Deploying thesaurus management system (VocBench) based on SKOS, SKOS-XL and semantic repository
  • Text analytics and semantic annotation of CH records
  • Linguistic Linked Data
  • Manuscripts: semantic integration, semantic search, semantic annotation
  • Research Infrastructures
