2D presentation (O for overview, ? for help). PDF. Publications
Work continues with:
Museum and CONA are more complex, involves LIDO/CDWA-lite XML to CIDOC CRM (RDF)
Working at the center. (Shows thesauri only, not yet CONA/Museum data)
Quite straightforward
All GVP, AAT and TGN URLs resolve, returning human or machine readable content through content negotiation (303 redirect). Eg about the ontology:
http://vocab.getty.edu/ontology | semantic URI, content-negotiated |
http://vocab.getty.edu/ontology.html | HTML page (application/xhtml+xml). |
http://vocab.getty.edu/ontology.rdf | application/rdf+xml |
http://vocab.getty.edu/ontology.ttl | text/turtle |
Eg about an AAT subject
http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300011154 | semantic URI, content-negotiated |
http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300011154.html | Forest HTML page (application/xhtml+xml). |
http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300011154.rdf | application/rdf+xml |
http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300011154.ttl | text/turtle |
http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300011154.nt | NTriples |
http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300011154.json | JSON (to change to .rj) |
http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300011154.jsonld | JSON-LD (upcoming) |
Scope includes:
Richer than any other SKOS thesaurus I've seen
Prefix | Ontology | Used for |
bibo: | Bibliography Ontology | Sources |
dc: | Dublin Core Elements | common |
dct: | Dublin Core Terms | common |
foaf: | Friend of a Friend ontology | Contributors |
iso: | ISO 25946 (latest on thesauri) | iso:ThesaurusArray, BTG/BTP/BTI |
owl: | Web Ontology Language | Basic RDF representation |
prov: | Provenance Ontology | Revision history |
rdf: | Resource Description Framework | Basic RDF representation |
rdfs: | RDF Schema | Basic RDF representation |
schema: | Schema.org | common, geo (TGN) |
skos: | Simple Knowledge Organization System | Basis vocabulary representation |
skosxl: | SKOS Extension for Labels | Rich labels |
wgs: | W3C World Geodetic Survey geo | Geo (TGN) |
xsd: | XML Schema Datatypes | Basic RDF representation |
Prefix | Ontology | Used for |
luc: | OWLIM's built-in Lucene | Full Text index & queries |
ontogeo: | OWLIM geo-spatial extensions | Geo-spatial index & queries |
ptop: | Ontotext PROTON top-level ontology | Inferencing (Extended Property Constructs) |
rr: | Relational to RDF Mapping Language | Conversion Oracle->RDF |
rrx: | R2RML extension | rrx:languageColumn |
Prefix | Ontology | Used for |
adms: | Asset Description Metadata Schema | Dataset description |
cc: | Creative Commons Rights Expressions | License rights |
dcat: | Data Catalog Vocabulary | Dataset description |
dctype: | DCMI Type Vocabulary | Dataset class |
fmt: | RDF formats used in datasets | Formats of data dumps |
sd: | SPARQL Service Description | SPARQL endpoint capabilities (future) |
vaem: | Vocabulary Attaching Essential Metadata | Not used yet |
vann: | Vocabulary for annotating vocabularies | Namespace and prefix |
vcard: | vCard (contact info) | Contact info |
vdpp: | Vocabulary for Dataset Publ Projects | Not used yet |
voaf: | Vocabulary of a Friend | Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) |
voag: | Vocabulary Of Attribution and Governance | Frequency of publication |
void: | Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets | Basis descr, LOD registration |
wdrs: | Protocol for Web Description Resources | Described by from dataset to doc |
wv: | A vocabulary for waivers of rights | License rights |
We handle "impedance mismatch" with
S=Standard, G=GVP common, A=AAT, T=TGN
aat:300123456 a gvp:ObsoleteSubject; # Was made non-publishable skos:prefLabel "Made up subject"; skos:inScheme aat: ; schema:endDate "2012-12-31T12:34:56"^^xsd:dateTime. aat:300386746 a gvp:ObsoleteSubject; # Was merged to a dominant Subject skos:prefLabel "Buncheong"; skos:inScheme aat: ; dct:isReplacedBy aat:300018699; # Punch'ong schema:endDate "2012-12-31T12:34:56"^^xsd:dateTime.
Use iso:ThesaurusArray to allow Guide Terms below Concepts. Infer cross-threading SKOS/ISO broader relations
Excel-driven Ontology Generation™ (getty-codes.xls to getty-codes.ttl)
Key val can be mapped to Custom sub-class, Custom (sub-)prop, Ontology Value (eg <term/kind/Abbreviation>)
More Excel-driven Ontology Generation™ (assoc-rels.xls to assoc-rels.ttl)
http://vocab.getty.edu/ontology, LOV Entry (10 classes, 177 props)
Use for ordered children. Novelty: if parent is Concept, use anonymous array. Careful crafting of URLs to make rdf:List
On Compositionality of ISO 25964 Hierarchical Relations (BTG, BTP, BTI), V.Alexiev, J.Lindenthal, A.Isaac. Draft paper, Presentation at NKOS 2014 Workshop at DL 2014, London, 12 Sep 2014
BTGx | BTPx | BTIx | |
BTGx | BTGE: numerous examples | BTPE: beak irons BTG anvil components BTP <anvils and anvil accessories> | no |
BTPx | BTPE: anvil components BTP <anvils and anvil accessories> BTG <forging and metal-shaping tools> | BTPE: Sofia BTP Bulgaria BTP Europe | no: Sofia BTP Bulgaria BTI country, but Sofia is no country |
BTIx | BTIE: Mt Athos BTI orthodox religious center BTG Christian religious center | no | no |
Support multilingual labels: both SKOS (plain)…
aat:300198841 a skos:Concept , gvp:Subject , gvp:Concept ; skos:prefLabel "rhyta"@el-latn , "rhyta"@en , "rhytons"@es , "rhytons"@fr , "rytons"@nl ; skos:altLabel "rhyta"@es , "rhyton"@es , "rhyton"@en , "rhyton"@el-latn ...; skosxl:prefLabel aat_term:1000198841-en , aat_term:1000198841-el-Latn ...; skosxl:altLabel aat_term:1000198841-es , aat_term:1000297235-en ...
… and rich info in SKOS-XL:
aat_term:1000198841-en a skosxl:Label ; dc:identifier "1000198841" ; dct:language aat:300388277 , gvp_lang:en ; # owl:sameAs dct:contributor aat_contrib:10000000 , aat_contrib:10000131 , aat_contrib:10000088 ; skosxl:literalForm "rhyta"@en ; #### with Qualifier if applicable gvp:term "rhyta"@en ; #### no qualifier gvp:displayOrder "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger ; gvp:termType <http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/term/type/Descriptor> ; #### Descr/AltDescr/UseFor gvp:termPOS <http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/term/POS/PluralNoun> ; #### Part of Speech gvp:contributorPreferred aat_contrib:10000000 , aat_contrib:10000088 ; gvp:contributorNonPreferred aat_contrib:10000131 ; gvp:sourcePreferred aat_source:2000024811 , aat_source:2000051089-term-1000198841...; dct:source aat_source:2000024811 , aat_source:2000052946 , aat_source:2000049728...; gvp:sourceNonPreferred aat_source:2000052946 ; gvp:sourceAlternatePreferred aat_source:2000048328-term-1000198841 .
IANA Language Subtag Registry: 9000 registrations (broken down by Type and Scope):
Despite the richness of IANA tags, we had to define new tags, using several extension mechanisms:
Future: publish lang tags (we now publish only ISO2 & ISO3 codes)
bibo:Document or bibo:DocumentPart
aat_source:2000051089 a bibo:Document; dc:identifier "2000051089" bibo:shortTitle "AATA database (2002-)"; dct:title "Getty Conservation Institute (GCI). database of AATA Online... 2002-. ". aat_source:2000051089-term-1000198841 a bibo:DocumentPart; dct:isPartOf aat_source:2000051089; bibo:locator "128257 checked 26 January 2012".
Applied to subject, term, scopeNote:
aat:300198841 # subject (rhyta) dct:source aat_source:2000030301-subject-300198841; dct:source aat_source:2000052378. aat_term:1000198841-en # term "rhyta"@en gvp:sourceNonPreferred aat_source:2000049728; dct:source aat_source:2000051089-term-1000198841. aat_scopeNote:34904 # scopeNote dct:source aat_source:2000046502.
aat_contrib:10000131 a foaf:Agent; dc:identifier "10000131"; foaf:nick "CDBP-DIBAM"; foaf:name "Centro de Documentación de Bienes Patrimoniales...".
Applied to subject, term, scopeNote:
aat:300198841 # subject "rhyta" dct:contributor aat_contrib:10000131; dct:contributor aat_contrib:10000000. aat_term:1000198841-en # term "rhyta"@en gvp:contributorNonPreferred aat_contrib:10000131; gvp:contributorPreferred aat_contrib:10000000. aat_scopeNote:34904 # scopeNote dct:contributor aat_contrib:10000000.
Includes dates of applicability, historicFlag, comment. Applied to terms; relations, place types (using rdf:Statement)
aat_term:1000002693-en a skosxl:Label; skosxl:literalForm "lambruscatura"@en ; gvp:historicFlag <http://vocab.getty.edu/historic/historic> ; schema:startDate "0900"^^xsd:gYear ; schema:endDate "1700"^^xsd:gYear ; rdfs:comment "Medieval term for wainscoting". aat_rel:300020271-aat2812_followed-300020269 a rdf:Statement; rdf:subject aat:300020271; # Second Dynasty (Egyptian) rdf:predicate gvp:aat2812_followed; rdf:object aat:300020269; # First Dynasty (Egyptian) rdfs:comment "Second Dynasty began ca. 2775 BCE"; schema:startDate "-2785"^^xsd:gYear; schema:endDate "-2765"^^xsd:gYear. tgn:7011179-placeType-300008347 a rdf:Statement; rdf:subject tgn:7011179; # Siena rdf:predicate gvp:placeTypePreferred; rdf:object aat:300008347; # inhabited place rdfs:comment "settled by Etruscans (flourished 6th century BCE)"; schema:startDate "-0800"^^xsd:gYear; gvp:displayOrder "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger.
PROV is too complex, so we simplify:
aat:300018699 skos:changeNote aat_rev:12345, aat_rev:12346, aat_rev:12347; prov:wasGeneratedBy aat_rev:12345; dct:created "2014-01-02T01:02:03"^^xsd:dateTime; dct:modified "2014-01-03T01:02:03"^^xsd:dateTime; dct:issued "2014-01-04T01:02:03"^^xsd:dateTime. aat_rev:12345 a prov:Activity, prov:Create; dc:type "created"; prov:startedAtTime "2014-01-02T01:02:03"^^xsd:dateTime. aat_rev:12346 a prov:Activity, prov:Modify; prov:used aat:300018699; dc:type "term added"; dc:description "leggings, puttee (1000248060)"; prov:startedAtTime "2014-01-03T01:02:03"^^xsd:dateTime. aat_rev:12347 a prov:Activity, prov:Publish; prov:used aat:300018699; dc:type "issued"; prov:startedAtTime "2014-01-04T01:02:03"^^xsd:dateTime.
Duality between Concept and its denotation (ala VIAF, UK BL, FR BnF, SE KB…)
Adds place types (TGN->AAT), Concept-Place duality, coordinates
Hierarchical Relations inference (GVP->Standard):
blue=standard, black=GVP, bold=closure, red=restriction. Numbers refer to doc sections
= premises, r
= restriction (just another premise), tN
= types, q
= conclusion
p1 / p2
: property chain (more efficient than owl:propertyChainAxiom and owl:TransitiveProperty)p & r
: property conjunction (restriction): holds between two nodes when both properties connect the same nodes[t1] p [t2]
: type restriction: holds when source has type t1 and target has type t2 (shown inside the node)name | prop path | construct | illustration |
PropChain | q <= p1 / p2 | Chain of fixed length 2 | |
PropRestr | q <= p & r | Conjunction (restriction by property) | |
PropChainRestr | q <= (p1 / p2) & r | Chain and restriction by property | |
TypeRestr | q <= [t1] p [t2] | Restriction by two typechecks | |
PropChainType2 | q <= p1 / p2[t2] | Chain and typecheck |
Eliminate redundant props (World has 1.2M narrowerTransitive, 2.4M semanticRelation). Break inference at red ovals
Edit in Word. Spellcheck, link check (below). Print as PDF. Save as Compact HTML, HtmlTidy, rewrite with original images.
Benefit: printable PDF and linkable HTML
Lots of them! The (!) says "read the documentation first". As part of helpdesk support, we're tracking usage and adding samples.
Number of members of the UN per year. See doc or jsfiddle with it
When each nation joined the UN. See doc or jsfiddle with it.
# 5.3.20 Places Outside Bounding Box (Overseas Possessions) select ?place ?name ?lat ?long { ?place skos:inScheme tgn: ; foaf:focus [wgs:lat ?lat; wgs:long ?long]; gvp:prefLabelGVP [xl:literalForm ?name]; gvp:broaderPartitiveExtended [rdfs:label "The Netherlands"@en] filter (!(50.787185 <= ?lat && ?lat <= 53.542265 && 3.389722 <= ?long && ?long <= 7.169019))}
People started using AAT and TGN right after their release
Vocab | Actual | Potential |
AAT | 9 | 6 |
TGN | 3 | |
ULAN | 1 |
Usage Stories (internal confluence)
If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, please don't hesitate to contact me: vladimir.alexiev@ontotext.com